If you or someone you know is a danger to themselves or others, please call 911.
Resources for Halifax professional firefighters
FFAP Peer Support Phone Number One 902 233 6804
FFAP Peer Support Phone Number Two 902 240 7536
Additionally, MFAP through Homewood
1 800 664 1142 (English) 1 866 398 9505
1 888 384 1152 (French)
(please note when you phone this number you must identify that you are a Halifax professional firefighter)
Resources for First Responders
If you are not a Halifax professional firefighter, the following website is available for first responder’s mental health:
Nova Scotia Mental Health Crisis contact
902 429 8167 or 1 888 429 8167 (toll free). This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Nova Scotia Mental Health Crisis Telephone Line is delivered by the Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team (MHMCT). This provincial service provides crisis intervention for children, youth and adults experiencing a mental health crisis or mental distress. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to support callers who present with suicidal thoughts, self-harming thoughts or behaviors, overwhelming anxiety, difficulty coping with distress, psychotic or distorted thinking, depression, substance use difficulties or any other self-identified mental health concerns. Crisis is self-defined by the individual calling for support. The crisis line also supports families, friends, community agencies and others to manage mental health crisis through education, outreach and consultation.